In the heart of the Valle Bormida, core of the Langa Astigiana, there is a restaurant where the hospitality and the good taste have always been a must.

The restaurant pizzeria "Da Frankino", owned by Frankino and Daniela Borelli, is located in Bubbio, in the center and few steps away from the City hall.

The healthy cuisine and the care for our customers' needs are the main characteristics of this restaurant, where hospitality will make you feel comfortable.

Our restaurant smartly combines typical Langhe dishes to special pizzas made with top quality flour.

Our pizzeria is also part of the AIC network "for gluten-free outdoor cuisine". The menu lists several gluten-free dishes, from the starters to the desserts, and the gluten-free Doctor Shar's pizza.

Check out our menu

Use your phone to scan the QR Code and browse our online menu, it's constantly updated!

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